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  • The Korean government is committed to reforming the adoption system

    The Korean government is committed to reforming the system on adoption that presents a whole new world for a child - The ministry held a ceremony to celebrate the 19th Adoption Day - - The MOHW reaffirmed its commitment to reforming to a public adoption system, revitalizing domestic adoption, and implementing a family-based care policy - In keeping with the overall adoption system reform scheduled next July, the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW, Minister Cho KyooHong) proposed ways to

  • MOHW and KHIDI to Host BIO KOREA 2024

    The Future of Biotechnology Innovation and Global Cooperation MOHW and KHIDI to Host BIO KOREA 2024 - Korea’s largest international healthcare industry convention is held from May 8 (Wednesday) to May 10 (Friday), at COEX, Seoul - - The event will serve as a venue to facilitate open innovation through business partnering, invest fair, exhibitions, and academic conferences - The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW, Minister Cho KyooHong) and the Korea Health Industry Development Instit
