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Press Release

Low Birth Rate Policies from the Perspectives of the People in Their 20s and 30s

  • Regdate2024-09-03 17:10
  • Hit701

Low Birth Rate Policies

from the Perspectives of the People in Their 20s and 30s


- The 2024 1st Korea-Japan-China Population Forum was held -


- Exploring Implications for Low Birth Rate Policies Based on the Awareness of the 2030 Generation -


The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW, Minister Cho KyooHong) and the Korea Human Resource Development Institute for Health and Welfare (President Bae Geum-joo) hosted the 2024 1st Korea-Japan-China Population Forum on Tuesday, September 3, at 2 PM at the Rendezvous Hall, Dragon City Seoul, Yongsan-gu, Seoul. The forum focused on the theme, "Exploring Implications for Low Birth Rate Policies Based on the Awareness of People in their 20s and 30s in the three East Asian countries."


The forum was held to explore the social awareness of the people in their 20s and 30s in Korea, Japan, and Chinacountries facing rapidly declining birthrates and aging populationand to identify policy implications for addressing low birth rate. The event was livestreamed on the YouTube channel of MOHW's Division of Population Policy Coordination* to allow anyone interested in low birth rate policies to participate in.


* (URL) www.youtube.com/@babybirth_mohw


Presenters delivered a presentation on the “Perception of the 2030 Generation and Policy Implications for Low Birth Rate Policies” of their respective countries: Lee Sang-rim, Senior Researcher at the Population Policy Research Center at Seoul National University, Moriizumi Rie, Senior Researcher at the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research in Japan, and Du Yang, Director of the Institute of Population and Labor Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.


Following the presentations, a comprehensive discussion was moderated by Professor Hong Sok-chul from the Department of Economics at Seoul National University, with participation from Kim Yuna, a journalist from the Kukmin Ilbo, Jang Eun-seop, Director of Population Policy Coordination, MOHW, and the three presenters.


Kim Sang-hee, Director General of Population and Child Policy at MOHW, stated, "To address the population crisis, we need to reassess the current situation from the perspective of those in their 20s and 30s, who are directly affected. We will continue to refine necessary policies by referring to the experiences of Japan and China." ///

  • pdf AttachFiles ★(MOHW) Low Birth Rate Policies from the Perspectives of People in Thier 20s and 30s.pdf ( 111.52KB / Download 221. / Preview 122. ) Download 미리보기/음성듣기