16th Child Abuse Prevention Day ceremony
- Regdate2022-11-18 17:36
- Hit2155
The Ministry of Health and Welfare (Minister Cho Kyoo-hong) held a '16th Child Abuse Prevention Day ceremony' at the Garden Hotel (in Mapo-gu, Seoul) on November 18 (Friday) to spread social interest and participation in child abuse prevention together with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, and Korean National Police Agency to spread social interest and participation.
At the event, Chung Chun-sook, chairman of the National Assembly's Health and Welfare Committee, and actress Park Jin-hee, an ambassador for child abuse, thanked the child abuse response personnel ceremony through the video message, followed by announcement of "Reporting guildeline for child abuse" declaring a Brand Identity of "Positive parenting".
In addition, five out of 130 children's abuse prevention contributors, including Clean Nara Co., Ltd. (group award), Seoul city public official in charge of child abuse, Gyeonggi Nambu Children's Temporary Protection Center team leader, a police officer who contributed on preventing child abuse, and a journalist who has worked hard to protect children's rights and interests were awarded a ministerial commendation.
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