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Press Release

Ministry of Health and Welfare Meets with the Delegation of Commission IX under People´s Representative Council of Indonesia to Discuss Healthcare Policies

  • Regdate2023-06-26 17:12
  • Hit1,243

MOHW Meets with the Delegation of Commission IX
under People's Representative Council of Indonesia
to Discuss Healthcare Policies

- Lim In-Taek, Deputy Minister for Healthcare Policy of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) discusses Korea’s prowess on essential healthcare and policy on non-contact medical services at a meeting with the Indonesian delegation -

Deputy Minister for Healthcare Policy of the Ministry of Health and Welfare Lim In-Taek met with Chairman of Commission IX under People's Representative Council of Indonesia Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena on March 25, Thursday 10 a.m. at the MOHW headquarters to share opinions on Korea’s healthcare policies.

The meeting was held as a part of the Indonesian delegation of Commission IX’s visit to Korea to conduct a survey on domestic laws and policies on healthcare and visit relevant sites. The delegation requested that the MOHW share its experience in designing and implementing policies on the overall system, medical manpower, organ donation and traditional medicine.

During the meeting, Lim explained Korea’s overall healthcare system, recent efforts of the Korean government to improve the infrastructure for essential healthcare, and Korea’s polices on non-contact medical services to enhance medical service access. He also talked about policies to develop and secure medical manpower, and promote organ donation, in addition to a policy on Korean medicine.

Lim concluded the meeting by stating, “Today’s meeting is all the more meaningful this year to mark the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and Indonesia. The Korean government will work more closely with Indonesia to promote the health of people in both countries as well as share experiences and policies on healthcare.”

In response, Chairman Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena said, “The meeting sets a milestone in sharing Korea’s policy in detail with us. People's Representative Council of Indonesia will be committed to pursue efforts to ensure that the both countries keep cooperating and interacting in the field of healthcare. ///
