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Press Release

Exploring Global Industry-Academia-Research Collaboration in AI Drug Development

  • Regdate2024-10-31 17:36
  • Hit300

Exploring Global Industry-Academia-Research Collaboration

in AI Drug Development


- 2024 AI Pharma Korea Conference Held

Under the Theme of “The Era of AI Transformation: Innovations in Drug Development” -


- Award Ceremony for the 2nd AI Drug Discovery & Development Challenge “JUMP AI”-


The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW, Minister Cho KyooHong), the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI, President Cha SoonDo), and the Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association (KPBMA, Chairman Noh Yunhong) held the AI Pharma Korea Conference at 10 a.m. on Thursday, October 31, at Lotte Hotel in Seoul.


Organized under the theme “The Era of AI Transformation: Innovations in Drug Development,” this conference aimed to examine the current and future landscape of AI-driven drug development and to explore potential avenues for global collaboration among industry, academia, and research institutions.


Ko HyungWoo, Director General of the Advanced Health Technology Policy at MOHW, attended the event, where he delivered a congratulatory address and presented awards* to the winners of the 2nd AI Drug Discovery & Development Challenge, “JUMP AI,” a competition that ran from August. Additionally, Korean and international AI drug development experts, including Professor Kim Sun of Seoul National University, gathered to discuss the latest trends and innovative approaches in AI-based drug development.


* (MOHW Minister’s Award) Team BI (AIgenDrug), (KPBMA Chairman’s Award) Team Juin (Ewha Womans University), (KHIDI President’s Award) Team Gamjamattang (HITS), (Sponsor’s Award) Team Nabi (Handong University)


Ko HyungWoo, Director General of Advanced Health Technology Policy, stated, “This conference serves as an invaluable opportunity to share the latest research developments in AI drug development and to explore collaborative strategies that will support and energize the ecosystem. We are fully committed to strengthening the Korean AI drug development ecosystem by advancing research and development (R&D), establishing data infrastructure, and enhancing data utilization.” ///

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