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Press Release

Minister Chin Visits Flu Vaccination Site, Calling for Safe Vaccination

  • Regdate2010-10-27 09:22
  • Hit6,023

- Health Minister promises commitment to safe vaccination -


Minister of Health and Welfare Chin Soo-hee visited the public health center in Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul at 10AM Wednesday October 13, and told the elderly, who were there for the influenza vaccine, that she "will do everything possible to ensure safe flu vaccination so that senior citizens can look forward to a healthy winter."


○ From early October, 253 public health centers nationwide began providing free influenza vaccination to 3.55 million people around the country including the elderly over the age of 65 and those living in social welfare facilities.

※ The qualified recipients of the vaccine and vaccination schedule may vary by regions, so be sure to check with your local public health center before visiting.


○ Minister Chin explained, “When a senior citizen or a patient with chronic illness is infected with influenza, there's a substantially higher risk of complication, such as bacterial pneumonia or congestive heart failure than an ordinary person. In some cases, an existing chronic illness could be aggravated." And, she emphasized that they should receive the vaccine before flu becomes epidemic, if possible.


○ Even if a person had been vaccinated or infected with influenza in the previous season and as a result, has built up an immunity, immunity weakens over time and leads to a higher risk of infection. Therefore, high risk groups require a vaccination every year, the minister added.

□ During her visit to the vaccination site, Minister Chin emphasized, “Most people waiting in line for vaccination at public health centers are senior citizens with one or two chronic diseases on average, so those working at the centers should pay special attention so that they won't be uncomfortable while waiting for their turn."

○ Asking health officials to be cautious of the fact that standing in line for a vaccination shot for a long time in a cold environment could overstrain the elderly,

○ the minister requested that senior citizens subject to vaccination avoid overcrowding by abiding by the scheduled vaccination date for each home district. If they don't feel well on the date of vaccination, they should postpone getting the shot to a later date to make sure they are in good condition when vaccinated, she added.

◦ Be sure to get vaccinated when you feel healthy.

◦ Visit the hospital on the scheduled vaccination date.

◦ Be sure to dress warmly when coming for a vaccination.

◦ Avoid standing in line for a long time while waiting for vaccination.

◦ Be sure to drink enough water while waiting.

◦ Be sure to tell the physician of any chronic disease or any symptoms you are presently experiencing during pre-examination.

◦ Remain in the facility where you were vaccinated for 20 to 30 minutes following the vaccination to make sure you do not have any acute allergic reaction.

◦ Rest and avoid overstrain on the day of vaccination, and pay close attention to your condition for three days following the vaccination.

◦ There may be some minor pain, redness or swelling in the area where the shot was injected due to minor allergic reaction after vaccination. Such side effects generally occur immediately after vaccination and disappear within one to two days.

◦ If you experience any high fever, difficulty in breathing, rashes and dizziness after vaccination, talk to a physician immediately.

[Reference material] Public Guideline to Prevention of Influenza


Public Guideline to Prevention of Influenza


First, wash hands frequently and avoid touching the eyes, nose or mouth with hands.

- Be sure to wash hands immediately when you come home from outside.

- Wash hands for more than 20 seconds using soap and running water.


Second, cover your mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or sneezing.

- Wear a mask for persistent coughing, if possible.

- If you do not have a tissue, use your sleeve to cover your mouth and nose.

- Throw away any tissue used while coughing and be sure to wash hands thoroughly.

- Open windows to allow sufficient ventilation.


Third, those recommended to receive an influenza vaccination should be vaccinated.


(Influenza vaccination is recommended for)

- Patients with chronic illness (chronic lung, heart, liver or kidney disease, diabetes, suppressed immunity, hemato-oncologic disorder, neuro-muscular diseases)

- the elderly at the age of 65 or older, those aged between 50 and 64

- children aged between six months and 59 months, pregnant women

- anyone living with a chronic disease patient, pregnant women or elderly aged 65 years or older, anyone caring for a child aged six months or younger

- medical service providers, those living in a social welfare facility


Four, in the event a flu symptom is suspected, receive proper medical service from the nearest healthcare provider and get sufficient rest and stay hydrated.

- High risk groups, including chronic disease patients, pregnant women, the elderly aged 65 years or older, and young children should receive prompt medical treatment to avoid any complication, and if necessary, receive a preion for antivirals.


- If you have any symptoms potentially indicating influenza, make rigorous effort to improve personal hygiene, such as washing hands and use of proper manners when coughing, and avoid contact with the public as much as possible.

※ (symptoms potentially indicating influenza) sore throat, coughing, runny nose or sinus congestion, etc. with persisting fever of 37.8 or higher


