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Press Release

Seeking Measures to Establish Medical Science Information Infrastructure to Promote the Development of Health Technology

  • Regdate2010-11-03 10:38
  • Hit6,428

Seeking Measures to Establish Medical Science Information Infrastructure to Promote the Development of Health Technology

- KCDC to host the Symposium on Strategies for Vitalization of Medical Science Information -

 □ The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC, Director: Jong-Koo Lee) will host the
 "Symposium on Strategies for Vitalization of Medical Science Information" at the Grand Hilton Hotel in Seoul, Korea at 2pm Monday, October 25, 2010.

 □ The symposium will be participated by some 100 experts and policy-makers in the field of medical science, who will re-examine the role and the status of the US National Library of Medicine in facilitating medical science and suggest strategies to vitalize the use of medical science information at the government level.

 ○ The symposium will feature presentations delivered by Director General Gang-lip Kim of the Bureau of Health Industry of MOHW;
Dr. Stuart J. Nelson from the US National Library of Medicine;
Prof. Sun Huh from College of Medicine of Hallym University;
Prof. Sukil Kim from the Graduate School of Public Health of the Catholic University of Korea; Prof. Yeong-seong Lee from the College of Medicine of Chungbuk National University; and Ki-jeong Park and Hyeon-yeong Park, Directors from the National Institute of Health (NIH).

 ○ The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion. Among the panel members are Profs. Dae-hee Kang and Ju-han Kim from the College of Medicine, Seoul National University; Director Gu-seon Park from the Office of S&T Policy and Planning, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning;
Prof. Myung-se Son of the College of Medicine, Yonsei University; and Choong-han Song, Head of the Directorate for Research Promotion, National Research Foundation of Korea.

 □ In order to promote the development of the health and medical industry as a driving engine for future growth, the government has made diverse
efforts including increased investments in the field of medical science, which in turn, has been yielding an accumulation of
outstanding cutting edge research information.

 □ Experts in the field are articulating the need to increase public access to national research outputs that can facilitate the production of
new medical science information based on the achievement mentioned above and are also pointing out that the time is ripe for the establishment
of the infrastructure that will enable such increased access.

 □ A KCDC official commented, “I hope this symposium will serve as an impetus that will lead to the development of national strategies that
ensure the systematic integration and the expanded utilization of scattered, unsystematic health and medical research outputs in Korea."



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