NIH reached MOU with DSMZ
- Regdate2011-12-02 16:13
- Hit5,879
□ Korea National Institute of Health(Director Cho, Myung Chan) National Culture Collection for Pathogens (NCCP) said that it reached MOU with Leibniz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganism and Cell Cultures (Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH; DSMZ) for mutual cooperation and exchange of pathogens in Braunschweig, Germany at 14:00 (local time) on 28 Nov. 2011 (Mon.)
○ NIH NCCP Director Seong, Won Geun and Professor Overmann, Director of DSMZ signed MOU on that day as representatives from the two institutions.
○ Under this MOU, NIH NCCP will make efforts for expansion and facilitation of domestic health and medical research resources through various and wide exchange including human resources by establishing a well-organized network for cooperation with DSMZ on microorganism resources including pathogens and related research.
□ DSMZ, founded in 1969, is the largest bioresource center in Europe and its collections currently comprise almost 40,000 items including bacterial and fungal strains, archaea, yeasts, plasmids, bacteriophages, plant cell lines, plant viruses and antisera, and patent strains. Especially, DSMZ has the world’s largest collection of standard microbial resources, taking up the lead in securing, preserving and managing bioresources as well as in supportive activities and research in related areas.
□ NIH NCCP is Korea’s only culture collection bank and joined the World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC). It has and runs an established system of collection, preservation and development of useful pathogen resources and comprehensive management of data and information on related data, based upon which NHI NCCP has been making efforts to promote health and medical technology development and research by disclosing and parceling out its resources to related researchers home and abroad.
□ NIH said that this MOU marks a new chapter in exchange of biological resources, enabling more various research resources related to infectious diseases to be provided to Korean researchers, thus greatly contributing to the establishment of research infrastructure.