국제기구 직원모집 안내
- 작성일2001-06-08 10:13
- 조회수6,171
- 담당자 오세라
- 담당부서국제협력담당관실
- 전화번호503-7524,8206
- 기간 ~
《 WHO 직원 모집 안내 》
※ 보다 상세한 정보나 상시고용정보를 원하시는 분은 WHO홈페이지 (http://www.who.int/per/vacancies)를 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Title : Medical Officer (Human Resources for Health)
Grade : P.5
Official station (country) : Kathmandu (Nepal)
Organizational Location/Unit : Department of Community Health Services/R.O. for South East Asia
Objectives of the programme :
(1) Health personnel education and training, in particular curriculum development, teaching methods, health learning materials and evaluation for educational programmes ranging from basic Auxiliary training to Postgraduate Medical Education and Continuing Education (2) Planning and Management for Human Resources for Health.
The successful candidate will :
act as a team leader for the WHO HRH Team in Nepal and help identify problems concerning the development of human resources for health, develop innovative solutions which make best use of available resources; promote self-reliance of national counter-parts in manpower planning and management; review and revise the curricula for various levels of health workers; develop teaching and training expertise and promote cooperation between the educational institutions for health professionals and the Department of Health Service; act also as a resource person in HRH and adviser for the institutional Heads/Faculty Members for the WR and any other WHO Staff.
Main objectives of the work: serve as a resource person and advise in the are of Human Resources for Health and be responsible for:
(A) Health Personnel education and training, in particular curriculum development, teaching methods, health learning materials and evaluation for educational programmes ranging from basic training to postgraduate medical education and continuing education.
(1) Act as resource person in HRH development for the Faculties of the Institute of Medicine, BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, NHTC in the areas of curriculum review and development, teaching methods, and the development of health learning materials and evaluation. (2) Advise and act as a resource person for the IoM, Faculty of Nursing, CTEVT and NHTC in the development of structures and infrastructures for the implementation of the curricula for different categories of Health workers (from auxiliary nurse midwives, through mid-level training for health assistants, nurses, pharmacists and others) and with the mobilization of internal and external resources. Participate in planning, coordinating, supervising and evaluation their education programmes. (3) Advise and participate with faculty members of the IoM, BPKIHS and NHTC in developing teaching techniques and expertise in community oriented and problem-based educational programmes to help students to assume tasks outlined in their job deions. (4) Advise the Postgraduate Medical Education Coordination Committee (PGMCC) in initiation, planning and implementation of Postgraduate Medical Education Programmes. (5) Liaise with persons and agencies who provide input into the Health Professionals Education Programme. (6) Advise IoM and NHTC in liaison with medical and nursing councils with the development of a national system for continuing education for health workers; (7) advocate and promote reorientation of medical education (ROME).
(B) Human resources for Health Planning and Management (1) advise WR and other WHO staff members concerning HRH planning and management and act as a focal point for WHO HRH activities (2) advise national educational/health authorities on systematic develoment of educational policies for HRH development; advise Nepal Medical Council, Nepal Nursing Council and other regulatory bodies in accreditation of training programme, etc., etc.,
Qualifications Required :
Education and Skills :
Knowledge, skills and abilities: The work will require knowledge of Community Health, PHC, Health Manpower Planning. Knowledge and experience of inter-disciplinary team work is essential.
Level and field of study and extent of specialization: Basic degree in Medicine from a recognized University with a doctorate (a postgraduate degree) or equivalent postgraduate training; expertise and achievement in Health Personnel Education or Medical Evaluation.
Experience :
Length and nature of practical experience at the national and/or international level: Extensive experience at national level in administration and training, curriculum development for health workers; planning and conducting of educational workshops, staff development, community health/PHC and manpower planning. Considerable experience at international level in the same fields.
Desirable: Experience in a developing country, and in manpower development for PHC.
Languages :
Good knowledge of written and spoken English
Annual salary (net of tax) :
US$ 65 176 at single rate and US$ 70 157 with primary dependants. Post Adjustment: .% of the above figures. This percentage is to be considered as indicative since variations may occur each month either upwards or downwards due to currency exchange rate fluctuations or inflation.