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WHO 직원모집 안내

  • 작성일2001-06-08 10:16
  • 조회수5,154
  • 담당자 오세라
  • 담당부서국제협력담당관실
  • 전화번호503-7524,8206
  • 기간 ~
Title : Medical Officer (Nutrition) Grade : P.5 Official station (country) : New Delhi (India) Organizational Location/Unit : Department of Sustainable Development & Healthy Environment Objectives of the programme : In collaboration with member states, international organizations, NGOs and other WHO programmes, to develop, coordinate and evaluate the Region\''s need for development of health systems. To advise the national authorities on the need and the development of health programmes which are aimed at achieving the optimum level of health in an integrated and equitable fashion as per details given below: (1) to assist in improving status and reducing all priority forms of malnutrition, (2) to assist in strengthening their planning and management capacity of national nutrition in the context of primary health care, (3) to assist in the development of national capacity for nutrition programme implementation, (4) to assist in developing national strategies and programmes in food safety and improve national capacity for monitoring, assessing and controlling food quality and food borne disease, and (5) to provide training in food borne disease surveillance and control as well as on analytical methods for assessing food contamination, consumer education on food safety issues and public information dissemination. The successful candidate will : Under the overall supervision of the Director of the Department of Sustainable Development and Healthy Environment: (1) Plan and develop methodologies and evaluate the activities of the regional programme on the basis of the Regional Director\''s priorities and policies and ensure close cooperation with other related areas. (2) Ensure coordination and exchange of information with headquarters, other regional offices, health ministries, other organizations, etc. (3) Participate with national authorities, non-government organizations and international organizations to formulate the regional and country health programmes and to develop plans and activities to implement programme activities of the department; advise the Regional director on the identification of priorities and action plans to meet objectives of the Department\''s programmes. (4) Administer support to regional and country activities by advice and guidance to consultants and colleagues and by recommendations on the selection of supplies and equipment. (5) Mobilize extra-budgetary resources to meet the programme needs which enhance the programme implementation.(6) Promote and coordinate the activities of international, bilateral and voluntary agencies in the delivery of the programme, advise and assist national authorities in identifying training needs and in organizing national and regional educational activities. (7) Promote the development of research programmes by encouraging the application of appropriate research methods, ensuring collection and distribution of research information, formulating protocols and scrutinizing research proposals for funding, advising on relevance and technical aspects of their design. (8) Exercise delegated authority to approve exceptions to the established methodology, e.g. interpret the organization\''s policies with respect to difficult and complex cases. Summary of the assigned responsibilities: to manage, support and evaluate the regional and country activities in the area of the Department of Sustainable Development and Healthy Environment and to advise the Regional Director on all aspects and activities which are aimed at the reduction of diseases burden and improvement in the quality of health care available to all the people in the member states; to provide technical and operational support to national health authorities in Nutrition for Health and Development and Food Safety including training and health education programmes and research and development in the respective areas and to coordinate programme activities with UN Agencies, NGOs and other organizations, Academic institutions and other organizations working in the field of nutrition and food safety. Qualifications Required : Education and Skills : Degree in medicine from a recognized university, with postgraduate degree in public health nutrition. Desirable: training in management and/or Public Health and/or Public Health Administration. Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of a wide range of public health issues; specialized knowledge of the techniques required to achieve the objectives of the Programme. Desirable: knowledge of WHO programmes and policies Experience : Extensive professional experience in the development and implementation of health programmes at national level with at least five years of similar professional experience in a large international organization. Languages : Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English. Knowledge of other UN official language desirable. Annual salary (net of tax) : US$ 65 176 at single rate and US$ 70 157 with primary dependants. Post Adjustment: 10.6% of the above figures. This percentage is to be considered as indicative since variations may occur each month either upwards or downwards due to currency exchange rate fluctuations or inflation.